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Welcome to Y'ello Care

Y'ello and Welcome!

Y’ello Care is back, along with the opportunity for MTNers across 21 OpCos to positively touch the lives of people in our various markets.

Each year, we give our time to directly improve lives and livelihoods, and this time we are promoting entrepreneurship to help empower communities.

The theme of this year's Y'ello Care event is "Empowering entrepreneurs to unlock growth & job creation for communities" and it holds from June 1-21, 2023. SMEs are in a key position to benefit from and drive adoption of modern digital, marketing and financial resources. That’s why our focus is leveraging digital & financial tools & skills as enablers to unlock growth for grass root-based entrepreneurs. This aligns with our continuous drive towards the core belief that everyone deserves the benefits of a modern connected life.

This year as always, we aim to get all staff to join hands and contribute thousands of volunteer hours, showing how much we care across the country. We will help provide access to markets, digital & financial tools, training, upskilling, business mentoring, knowledge sharing and so much more. We especially want to help uplift women, youth, disadvantaged populations, and people at risk in our communities, adding value to work already done and helping create new opportunities.

Ready to sign up? Go right ahead! We need YOUR time, skills, commitment and resources, so click on volunteer!

Together with our partners, we will bring awe-inspiring effort, efficiency, coordination and skill into play as we give back to our communities.


It’s time to outdo your best!



The Y’ello Care Project Team